AB627 B86 1 FAE 411 C AF65 27 CF83600594
  • AB627 B86 1 FAE 411 C AF65 27 CF83600594
  • Allefarger
  • D809 A75 B 54 F4 4753 BAF5 0 C2350 D20817
  • Perleull
  • Gammalnorsk sau hovedbilde hilde buer

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     (Qt. in stock:
NOK 240.00


Thick and comforting wool from Norwegian Wild sheep lamb.

PearlWool is our latest thick quality with lambswool from both the Norwegian Wild Sheep and white sheep, together with a small portion of mulberry silk. The yarn is a 2-thread and spun with a beading technique, to bring out as much of the shine as possible of the Wild Sheep wool. This yarn is great for knitting outerwear with, for example, Icelandic sweaters or Wilderness sweaters.

Wild sheep is the breed called Old Norwegian sheep, but also a term for a form of operation where the sheep go out all year round. This sheep is the original breed that came to Norway 5000 years ago and has been part of Norwegian agriculture from the very beginning. The woll is two-parted, with a inner wool and cover hairs. You will see that the cover hairs are the slightly coarser hairs that protrude from the thread. This is very durable, while the bottom wool is very soft and comforting.

Today, the Norwegian farmer does not get paid for this wool, as it is so far considered unsuitable for yarn. As we have started to use this wool, they will from now get paid to deliver this quality.

The yarn is hand-dyed in our small spinning mill. This means that the yarn has shades, color shades and no skeins are exactly alike. We therefore recommend that you also make sure to buy enough for a project, as the color batches are small. Be aware that the darkest colors may bleed a little, so rinse them in water before knitting them with light colors.

The skeins are 100g in contrast to our other skeins which are 50g.

Read more about the spesial sheeps on www.villsau.no or www.animalia.no. (Basically Norwegian sites)

Photo of sheep: Hilde Buer

60% Norwegian lambwool from Wild sheep
20% Norwegian lambwool from Norwegian White Sheep
20% Mulberry silk

The grey variant:
80% Norwegian lambwool from Wild sheep, with grey or black fibres
20% Mulberry silk

Knitting tension: 14 - 20 m / 10 cm
Indicative pin size: 4,0 - 7mm

100 g = 160 m

The yarn is a 2-threaded worsted yarn that is suitable for hand knitting, but also for crochet, weaving and knitting machines.


Årets Perleullpallett

I år har vi valgt en litt uvanlig palett for høsten! Ettersom vi har nok av de klassiske høstfargene fra før ønsker vi å ta med oss en vital og lekende palett inn i høstmørket.